I am excited to see what 2019 will bring, and I will use my #OneWord2019 to frame my mindset. Here are my thoughts on CONVERGE:
Video Transcript:
Hello and Happy New Year!
I am very excited about the new year and about oneword 2019.
I started committing to this one word idea for the new year after reading Jon Gordon’s book a few years back. Last year was probably my most successful year. I chose the word curious as my one word 2018 and I set up a curiosity journal. The journal had lots of really interesting side effects. I found that it made transparent my values, the things that I thought about the most often, and it also helped support my writing. Whenever I was feeling stuck or I needed to push myself further, I could turn to that journal and there was always a topic or a new idea in there.
So my one word for 2019 is converge. I feel that there has been a lot going on in my professional life and my personal life and when I map it out on paper I see the common goal. I see how all of those pieces fit together to help me reach my ultimate goal for myself and for my career. I think that it’s really important that now I start focusing on how all of those pieces push me forward and I also think that its really important that I start using that as my lens for deciding which things are important and I want to take on and which things I may need to trim because they don’t fit with my ultimate goal for myself. So again my one word for 2019 is converge.
I would love to hear your one word!